Wednesday, September 3, 2008

~I'm sooo Ready for Disney!~

Oh my gosh I am soooo ready for our Disney trip!!
Not sure who is more excited Isabella or Samuel or me LOL..
I was up at 3:00am this morning can't sleep just thinking about the trip.
I'm all packed.
My carry on is ready with sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, camera,
and my handmade Mickey bag.
Hope I do not forget anything.. It's still a few days away.
Hey have any tips for me?
Please pass em on if you do..Thanks!
Hugs & blessings ~Mary~


  1. Have a wonderful time and we will enjoy all the stories and photos you are sure to come back with!!!!!

  2. Oh you lucky thing ! Wish I was going with ya ! Have a WONDERFUL time !

  3. Have fun and take lots of pictures!

  4. How wonderful...have LOTS of fun.

  5. CROCS!!!!!! I would never do Disney without a pair or two!! Made a world of difference! Have a wonderful time!!Lori

  6. Sweet Friend,I think you need to send Aspen and me a Cinderella post card, that is the closest I will get to Disney. Prayers for a safe and fun trip. Love Ya, Me:)

  7. Mary, I envy you so much. I have never been and hope to one day even if I'm older. I read that you have your sunscreen in your carry on---I hope you remember that it can't be more than 3oz and put in a zip lock bag or you may end up buying some when you get there. Have a safe and fun trip. Love and Hugs, Pat

  8. Mary, you have a wonderful time in Disney. We will be waiting to hear all about it.

    God bless.

  9. Oh you are SOOO lucky!! I hope to get my kids there before they are all grown up! Enjoy and have a wonderful time!!

    Drop by when you get back. I left you a little something on my latest post.

  10. Hi Mary..
    OOh I love Disneyland, can't wait to go back again.. Have fun my sister and we'll be waiting to hear all about your trip!!
    Put on comfortable shoes lol

    Hugz Lorie

  11. Hi Mary, have a wonderful time,and say Hello to Micky for me(smile).

    Blessings, Shelley

  12. How wonderful!!
    Have a great trip; I'll be looking forward to hearing all about it--
    Hugs and blessings,

  13. Have a wonderful vacation! You really deserve it:-)

  14. Ohhhhhh, I love Disneyland! You will have so much fun, especially since Isabella & Sam will be with you!
    Have a FABULOUS time Mary!
    Love Ya,
    Carol Anne

  15. Have a wonderful trip ~ there is a new dinosaur resturant that just opened in Downtown Disney. And check out this site for lots of Disney info ~
    :) crystal

  16. Have fun and wear good shoes.I have not been for about 10 years and am looking forward to going back.
    Best Wishes
