Wednesday, September 17, 2008

~Please welcome Carol to the world of Blogging!~

~Hello blogger friends~
I'd like to introduce you to Carol
she's new to blogging and now a friend of mine..
Please stop by her blog.... say hello & give her a warm welcome.
She designs beautiful floral items..
You'll love her Sunflower wreath, it's gorgeous!


  1. Just visited Poppy's family, & will go visit your new friend right now!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  2. Hi Mary,I went over to leave a comment for the dear family of this precious child,Poppy whom has past from us. My heart surly goes out to them. I will also go and visit your new friend. We suffered little from hurricane Ike. I do feel for all those who have suffered much loss because of it. I pray for all those families as well.

    Blessings, Shelley

  3. Hi Mary Dear:
    I went and said Welcome to carol too : ) Those sunflowers are too beautiful!!! Her store si too. I would like to go there one day.
    Peace & Love

  4. Mary, What happened to Sweet baby Poppy? How terrible. It breaks my heart. We still have people at the Church,said maybe another week? Love, Me:)
