Saturday, October 11, 2008

~Helping a friend decorate her cottage~

This is my friend Sherryl's cottage.. I love it!
This is my friend Sherryl many many moons ago :-}
I painted the above Pumpkins

What fun these hand painted brooms are!!

I Love the Halloween stockings!

This Pumpkin girl was a gift from Sherryl to me..

On Sherryl's front door

We both had fun making this picture ..


I stenciled the "Come On Up" on her stairs..

I've been helping my sweet friend Sherryl decorate her lovely cottage home.

What fun we had!


  1. Hello Sweet Friend, Oh, how much
    fun you girls had!!! I am going to paint polkadots on my pink broom...The cute cute stockings,brooms, witches,black kitties and your pumpkin girl . Just tonight I painted an old terracotta pumpkin, Mother had on her front porch. Pink on the outside and yellow inside. Hope to get something new on this weeks blog... Take care,Love Ya Me:)

  2. Mornin', sweet chickee, hope all is well with you and Isabella. You did a fantastic job with that decorating. I love polka dots and am doing to do "something!" with them soon.

    I've been so busy with a vintage desk redo that I've not been surfing too much this week, but come on over and see what I did with that desk. I think you'll like it, honey pie.


  3. Hi, I happened upon your blog and just love all of the decorations. I hope you have a lovely day.

  4. Wow! The decor is absolutely beautiful! Have a nice Sunday! xo Vanessa

  5. Mary I just love your decorating!Where did you find so much neat halloween things?Everything is great I love the witch dolls setting on the stairs.The brooms are just so cute it looks like there just floating.Happy fall,Jennifer

  6. Hi Mary, I love your dear friends decorations. You two did an awesome's all so very BOO...tiful...

    Blessings, Shelley

  7. Mary, Please stop over and see my silly pumpkin...Me:)

  8. Could you whisper to me how you got the brooms to stay standing up. It is such a charming creative idea. It reminds me of that fun movie about the three witches. Did you make your brooms. Just wondering.

  9. Wow!!!
    You and Shelley had a blast being super creative!!!
    Mary Dear; when you have a moment PLEASE e-mail me so I can ask you a question.
    Thank you
    Love & Hugs

  10. Wow!!!
    You and Shelley had a blast being super creative!!!
    Mary Dear; when you have a moment PLEASE e-mail me so I can ask you a question.
    Thank you
    Love & Hugs

  11. How adorable are all these decorations?!?! Must have taken y'all at least an hour or two to do all this! I love it all! You two must be as big a kids at heart as I am!

    I've never seen such a neat collection of witches as your friend has on her stairway! I put my Santas on mine at Christmas, but hmmmm, I may need to start collecting witches, too!

    Who says Halloween is just for little ones?!?

    Love you,
    Angelic Accents
