Friday, May 22, 2009

~Poison Ivy..Leaves of Three, Let It Be!~

Poison Ivy.. DO NOT even GET CLOSE to this stuff!
I found the above on the Internet.. Oh my the poor girl!
Well I've had a close encounter with poison ivy
I'm a bit miserable.. can't open my one eye.
Sunday I was landscaping..
I found that my poison ivy was back again this year.
Last year I removed it with no problems.
So again I was VERY careful removing it.
I bagged & tossed out my gloves, old clothing & the ivy.
Ran & took a shower..scrubbed & scrubbed..
Well on Tues the rash started & it's not stopped!
Rash/swellings on my arms, neck, fingers, ears, face & one eye..
Yesterday just happened to be my Doc visit.
Doc says use Kaolin..
I think I may have gotten the posion ivy
because it was windy Sunday..
the oil/resin must have gotten on me via the wind.
So dear friends.. like the old saying says
Leaves of Three, Let It Be!!!


  1. mary,
    gosh I am sorry to see your poor eye so swollen, hope you feel better soon. That stuff is scary, I hope I
    don't have any growing around here.
    Take care of yourself.

  2. Oh No-o-o-o-o.....
    I'm so sorry..... I hope it clears up quick!!
    Never had it & don't want it.....

  3. OMGoodness! I hope that it clears up soon and you are feeling better! I have never had that before and when I was a kid, we played in the woods and we even made neckaaces out of those vines. I wouldn't do it now for nothing!

    Take care,
    Lee Laurie

  4. Hi Mary:
    Yuk!!! It must have been the wind. Well, sorry you had to feel the pain from it this time : (
    Nest year have someone else clear it out so you will not have to go through this again!!!
    Feel better, my Friend!!!

  5. Hello Sweet friend, I am so very sorry about Your poison ivy!!!
    I have some next to the side of house with the woods. I try to be very careful when I am out there.I wonder if Benadryl would help with the itching? I love your new banner:) Hope you feel better soon and have a safe weekend. Love and Hugs, Mary:)

  6. Here is a poem from me to you! :)

    Mary, Mary, not contrary
    Do tell "Is your garden free?
    Of ivy that's horrible?
    Have blooms so adorable?
    Or suffering with leaves, one, two, three?"

    I'm sorry girlfriend. Couldn't resist a tiny bit of humor. Thinking of you. Been there...but I sat in the stuff so the rash was on my BUMM! :( Had to lay down for DAYS! Moral of the story..."Don't Garden in a skirt!"

    xoRebecca xoxoxo

  7. Oh, I'm sorry to hear this. I hope you are better soon. Hugs and prayers!

  8. be careful Mary. I know two people with severe poison ivy right now....they've had to get meds to help them out with it.
    Hope your feeling better soon!

  9. Thankyou for the heads up will beware of the leaf of 3 you poor girl how is your eye?((((Hugging You))))) Darcy

  10. Oh dear! What a terrible thing....I was recently attacked by a swarm of Fire ants so I can imagine how painful the swelling and itching must be. I practically slathered my feet in Benedryl but I hope that your doctor is right in the medicine he gave you. Take care and feel better soon.

    Hugs going out....

  11. Well I have been really blessed in the fact that I have never encountered poison ivy but I have seen what it can do and I feel for you my friend. Take care.

  12. Oh no!! Poor you!! I was just stopping by to tell you I finally added a link to your blog banners. I "stole" the graphic from Carole's blog! Don't know why it's taken me so long!

  13. Oh dear!! Not good! I'm so sorry. My dh has had that before and it's terrible stuff. Makes poison oak seem mild. Hang in there, my friend!
    God bless!
    **Your blog header is so pretty

  14. Thinkin' of you and hoping you are getting better!


  15. Mary Dear:
    You are just too cool with these scrumptious back grounds and colors you use!!! The colors make me think of cotton candy, robin's eggs and a county fair : )
    Take it easy

  16. Sorry!!!! I know how horrible it is. We live surrounded by woods here in OHIO and it is always a struggle every year to battle the ivy. We have poison oak too. Yikes! I get rashes so badly I have to be on steriods or it will not leave my system. My husband just got it a few weeks ago for the very first time ever.
    Good luck!!

  17. Oh that is bad company Mary ! I get it so easily too. I know you are miserable .Could the Dr. give you a shot ?
    When I get it,I get me some "Ivy Dry ",I get mine at Walmart.It is behind the counter;you have to ask for it.If you start putting it on right after you know the rash is starting you can clear it up.Just keep slathering it on !
