Monday, January 11, 2010

~my Icicles~

It's warmed up a bit here in Ohio to 19 degrees outside
and I keep it 61 inside my cottage.. to afford the heating bill.
My heart goes out to all not use to this cold.
states like Florida
I went out and took down my Christmas decorations.
 Sure was cold.. I should have waited!


  1. Icicles: the perfect replacement for outdoor Christmas decorations! (Although, last night, it got so cold inside the house, I wouldn't have been surprised to see some hanging there, too!) Today, we beat you by one degree: the temperature is 20* in Dairyland! I won't be unpacking by sunbathing suit just yet, though! LOL!

    Stay warm! SF~~~~~* (<-- There's that one degree I was talking about!)

    P.S. Sorry about the double-post/delete. I spelled "icicles" wrong the first time. That's one of those words that makes your eyes feel like they are juggling!

  2. Oh Mary, they look pretty, but glad you have them and we don't. Our poor heating systems here in Florida just can't keep up with this cold.

  3. The icicles are pretty we dont get Winter weather here miss the snow.Hugs Darcy

  4. We had icicles like this several years ago & ended up with water damage in the house. We then bought heat wires made for the roof to avoid that. Now they drip & fall off!!

  5. Wow those are some huge icicles.. we are having some cold weather here but not that cold... stay nice and warm and don't stand under those icicles... lol have a great week.


  6. Normally I welcome the cooler air as I can no longer go out in the sun for more than 15 minutes at a time or be half dressed for winter in 90 degree weather.

    BUT this cold is not welcome. It is a biting right to your bones cold. No liking it one bit. I also feel bad for the suth'na's as well. They are not used to this at all.

  7. I understand perfectly about the cold. Glad you are keeping snug in your little cottage.

    God bless.

  8. Lovely icicles! Indeed, it has been very coe here in IN as well. Warming up today, so they say. Hope so! Cathy

  9. Good LORD my heart goes out to you who keeps their thermostat at 61 degrees in that kind of WEATHER.
    Mary...I hope you have a little heater or something to help keep you warm! UGH.......

    I know things are rough off in Ohio...and that your state is suffering greatly. But you have to keep warm. Just becareful to not get it toooo cold in your little cottage. Your going to make me worry about you.

    We've had a very cold winter here in Louisiana......but nothing like Florida and up north. My family has been nearly suffering in Iowa with all the snow they've gotten up there.

    The icicles are pretty though!!!

  10. Joyc, Yes 61 is a bit cold here in my cottage but I wear a heavy cotton sweater during the day when I get home from work if watching TV or reading I cover up with my down blanket.
    It's tough in Ohio as is in so many places but it's warming up.
    Sorry for your family in Iowa the snow cold has so awful there!
    I just read our unployment is 12.9 but so many other cities are even worse.
    Hugs & much love to you sweet frind! ~Mary~ :-}
