Thursday, March 26, 2009

~Bella's back to school~

After a painful antibiotic shot and 2 oral antibiotics
Bella's doing better and is back in school..
Just another week in the life of a child living with Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Bella and I got to spent a day just being silly..
We watched the movie"twilight" on my sister's 60" TV.
Wow It was like being at the movies! We had such a great day.
Thanks so much for your thoughts & prayers for Bella..
Gosh how I worry about this kid!!


  1. Mary Dear:
    Bella is growing into such a willowy young lady!!!
    She is so beautiful!!!
    I wish there were some magical dust/glitter I could touch her with. Such a trooper.
    peace, hugs
    Your friend

  2. Hello Sweet Friend, I am so glad Isabella is doing better. I know you girls had a fun afternoon:) Love to you both. Mary:)

  3. Good Morning, Mary! Bella is growing up to be beautiful!

    Soooo thankful for you that she is doing better. I can relate to the "worry thing".... I do it, too!

    Blessings for you sweet friend. Love to visit your Bloggie!


  4. Mary, I am so happy that Bella is feeling better. She is a beautiful young lady.

    God bless.

  5. Mary, I'm so glad bella is doing better. I'm sure it was a scare. {{{hugs}}}}}

  6. I'm glad to see Bella smiling.I'm going to watch Twilight with my eldest daughter Mercedes tomorrow as she goes back to Idaho Sunday.We had a great week together she turns 18 Wednesday so we had a little celebration with her.(((((Hugs ))))) Darcy

  7. Hi Mary,so glad Bella is doing better,Wow she is looking so grown up............very pretty....

    Have a blessed Lord's day tomorrow,Shelley

  8. Just checked back to see how Bella was doing. Such great news! Such a beautiful young lady.

  9. Glad Bella is better!!! Your sister's house looks grand....and that hubby would LOVE THAT!!!!!
    Sweet photos of Bella being a typical young lady!!

  10. Amy, Yes my sisters 26 room house is fabulous! It's fun to house sit there... but oddly I prefer my tiny 6 room cottage. I love the simple life.....
    Hope all is well with you sweet friend.. Hugs ~Mary~ :-}

  11. So sorry lovely Bella has been sick - glad she's on the road to recovery from the infection. I'm sending her love and get well hugs.

    Catching up with you - sorry I dropped off - major computer problems etc.

    Life is hectic and we go to England in a few weeks.
    Hope life is treating you well dear friend - and that Spring is just around the corner.

  12. Hi Mary,
    I am just so very happy that your precious Bella is doing better!! She has been in my thoughts and prayers and I would have stopped by sooner, but my Mom has been in the hospital again. She is home now and doing ok.

    Your Bella sure is a beautiful young lady!

    Love always sweet friend~
    Carol Anne

  13. So glad your Bella is on the mend!!! What fun to have the day together!
    Margaret B

  14. I'm glad to see that Bella is doing better. I think a day spent at home watching Twilight with Grandma was really good medicine!

  15. Your granddaughter is such a doll--I'm so glad she's doing better--we worry about our grandchildren just as much as we worry about our children, don't we? Keeping you all in my prayers, Jann
