Sunday, March 22, 2009

~ A prayer needed for my Granddaughter Bella~

Could you please keep my sweet 12 year old
Granddaughter Bella in your prayers..
She had to spend today in the emergency room ..
She again has an infection. We'll know more when the blood work is back.
The medications she takes depresses her immune system
causing her problems.
Bella was so upset because she could not go to softball practice today..
God bless her, she's such a sweetheart!
Thanks so much..


  1. Oh my goodness...that must be so scary for the entire family!! My prayers are with you!

  2. Poor sweet Bella. She is such a strong litle gal. Prayers for a speedy recovery. .

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I hope they find a medicine that works and doesn't supress her immune system and that they find something to build her immune system back up.(((((Hugging Bella))Darcy

  5. Oh my, of course I will pray for your beautiful Bella. We have that bond, with our granddaughter both being Bella. It makes it that much dearer to me! A prayer for Gramma too, be strong sweetie!
    Margaret B

  6. too take auto-immune medications and KNOW all to well how it causes difficulties. I am currently as we speak fighting off something.

    My prayers have been going up for everyone in blogdome lately and you can bet i'll add this beautiful little girl to them. Poor Bella, my heart goes out to you. Stay strong sweet girl.

  7. I will say prayers for Bella, and when we pray at school I will ask for a special prayer for her.

    God bless.

  8. She will be in my prayers. Hugs to you all.

  9. She will be in my prayers for sure!
    I hope all turns out well for her. Please keep us posted...

  10. I will keep Bella in my prayers, and you as well.

  11. Praying for Bella and the entire family! God blessings to you all!

  12. I am hoping that all is now ok for sweet Bella

  13. I am so sorry to hear that Bella has a new infection. My prayers for the entire family. Your young lady is so strong and brave; let's hope for a speedy recovery.

  14. I'll be praying for Bella and hope things return to normal soon! ~Lori

  15. Oh Mary,
    Please know I will be praying for her!! So sorry she has to go thru this again.
    Love ya, Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)

  16. You bet. She is a a real doll. :D

  17. Hi Mary,I'm so sorry for Bella's trouble. I'm asking God to meet her need....I pray she is better very soon....


  18. Praying for Bella, Mary! I'm sure everything will be just fine!

  19. Oh Mary, I am so very sorry. I will keep your sweet & precious Bella in my prayers and you too my dear sweet friend.
    Love ya always,
    Carol Anne

  20. I'm just checking in to see how miss bella is doing? I pray she is better or on her way to healing. Blessings to you all.

  21. Awwww.....I hate that.
    I'll be praying......I know how that thing works. It's so serious when you get sick when you have that.
    I'll check back and see how she is.
    Be blessed,

  22. It's so strange where fate leads us. Somehow I stumbled on your lovely blog last week and added it to my favorites. I logged on tonight and saw the post about your granddaughter. We have been struggling with a diagnosis with our grandson who is almost 11 for about a year now. R.A. is one of the things that they tested him for. I am so sorry to hear about Bella and will say a prayer for her and certainly check back with your blog to check on her. I know that this is so hard for us grandmas to watch our babies when they are ill.

  23. Oh Mary.... I was so sorry to read about sweet Bella~ I will keep her in my prayers.... hugs to you & Bella!

  24. Mary, I will pray hard for your sweet Bella. Prayers for you also, as I know how this can affect the families---been there. Love, hugs, and prayers, Pat

  25. Lots and lots of Prayers for you Sweet Isabella to feel better soon. Love, Mary:)

  26. hi Mary
    glad to hear Bella is feeling better.
    Such a good GranMa you are. Hope your doing well, not working too hard! hugzzzzzz

  27. I'll keep your sweet Bella in my thoughts and prayers, our Children are so precious to us, I'm sorry she has to go through this~
    Be strong Sweet Bella~
    marian elizabeth

  28. My prayers are for your healing Bella, I was diagnoised with RA when I was the same age.
    I went into remission and have stayed in remission for many years now. God does answer prayers and he does heal!

  29. So glad Bella is better! She is always such a little doll in her pictures!!

    Love & Miss You!
    Angelic Accents
