Monday, March 16, 2009

~Twilight obsession~

Twilight obsessions.
Isabella AKA Bella (my 12 year old granddaughter)
my daughters and I are a bit "twilight" obsessed.
Bella got us hooked on the "twilight" book series.
She read the books before they were so popular and was hooked.
She LOVES to read, never without a book in her hand.
I remembered how thrilled she was to hear
the movie was coming out, she saw it twice before we did.
A few months ago we did a "twilight movie girls night out"
with Bella, my 2 daughters, my sister and I.
I enjoyed the movie, but I'd not read the book yet..
Last Monday I started on book one "twilight"
now a week later I'm on book 4 (last one) yep I'm hooked.
Yes the books are about vampires and werewolves.
Yes they are written for teens....
but they are such endearing books about young love & devoted friendship.
It's been great fun chatting with Bella about these books..
We spent Friday making twilight jewelry, reading & chatting.
What fun it was for both of us!
Nothing like the bond between Granddaughter & Grandmother.
Twilight comes out on DVD on March 21.
Bella and her Mama will be at one of the many
"twilight" midnight parties.


  1. look how engrossed she is.. biting of the lip even. I love it when I find a good book. Can't put it down, must travel with me & must not be disturbed whilst hitting a good spot in the reading.

  2. Well I love to read.... I never thought I would read something like Harry Potter, after all I am almost 60, but I did... So maybe I will read Twilight!!
    Have a great day!!

  3. I love spending time with my Kylah...she is only six but she constantly has me in stitches...

    How blessed you are to have your Bella for such fun outings. My Grammy passed last November at almost 92. The influence she had on me and my life is impossible to put into words...

    Simply put, she was ALWAYS THERE!

    xoxoThanks for sharing...


  4. We are big fans of Twilight here, too! Can't wait to see the movie again when it comes out on dvd. :)

  5. My daughter, 27, is obsessed with Twilight too. She has read the series several times since Christmas. If the books were at my house I would probably read the series too!

  6. I must be out of the head in the sand...aaaahhhhh!

  7. Hi Mary,it's always good to spend special times with our GRANDS,glad you and Bella had a great time the picture of you two....


  8. Mary, sad to say, I couldn't get into the books---does that make me old? Nah, just reading too many things about diabetes right now, so I can get this stupid diet on track. I heard a lot of people camped out to get tickets. My son will probably see it in New York, because he loves Ann Rice, so that's close to the same thing. Hope all is well. Isa looks so involved with her book as do you. Love and Hugs, Pat

  9. My 14 year old niece got me hooked on the Twilight books when they came out. She has all of us reading them including my daughter. 12 of us went to the movie when it opened including my hubby and my brother. I even bought my niece "Bella's ring" for her birthday.

  10. Good Morning Mary! So glad I was able to play catch up this morning of your posts! Sam is such a doll, the flag photo was indeed special. I'm sure you all had a wonderful party. Love how you've a special connection through reading was Isa. Have a great week dear and will be back as soon as I can! Lori

  11. My daughter Skylar loves this series of books, she bought all 3 and is counting down the days until the movie comes out on DVD. I like to read too so I am going to try them out.

  12. *•-:¦:-•:*Giveaway*:•-:¦:-•*

    On Saturday March 21st I Will Be Celebrating My 200th Post. Be Sure To Leave Me A Comment Requesting To Be Entered In My Giveaway! You Have Until Saturday, March 21st 11:59 p.m Central Time. I Will Enter Your Name Five Times For The Drawing So Hurry And Leave Me A Comment! I Will Be Announcing The Winner On Sunday March 22nd at 1:00p.m. Central Time.

    Good Luck!
    Deanna :D

  13. I have not seen Twilight, however I hear it is quite the movie to be watching these days. Nothing beats a good story....Love the intense!!

    love you all,

  14. I haven't seen it yet but want to buy it for my daughters 18th birthday which is April 1st.((((Hugs)))))) Darcy

  15. I haven't caught the Twilight fever, you have inspired me to check it out!

  16. Another special bond you & Bella share! You are making such wonderful memories with her. There is nothing like 2am giggles on a girl's night with your granddaughter, right?!?

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  17. I like the little pictures, very sweet!
    Isabelle x

  18. My blog has been turned off...not blocking you! I'm taking a break :)

  19. Hi Mary,
    (((Hugz)))) My 11 yr old daughter is always reading twilight. She is on her final book. The posters and magazines as well. I love your creations of twilight. Hope your Sunday is sunny and beautiful as mine is.

    Hugz Lorie

    My girls are so into the movie too.
    I have no idea about it but will probably watch it with them.
    I love and miss you bunches,
