Friday, January 29, 2010

Bella Luna Arts "Wishing Tree"

How I loved Bridgette of Bella Luna Arts 
 blog post about her "Wishing Tree"
 Please stop by Bridhette's blog and check out the post.
 What a fun idea!
Yes, it sure is a good crazy idea!
            Bridgette writes:

As we enter this New Year…I invite any of you out there who might have something they would like us pray or wish for, to feel free to send me something to hang in our tree. It can be anything, a tag, a little ornament, a ribbon, or banner. I guess really anything you’d like. Just keep in mind that it will be out in the weather and will be open to the elements. I have a few wishes that have been laminated that are doing fine and lots of other little things that are weathering nicely as well. I’m not sure why I’m so taken with this tree thing, but I think there’s a reason, so I’m doing it and I invite any of you out there who’d like to be a part of it to do so to. I know it’s kind of crazy, but it’s a good crazy I think.

my "Wish"  tag

It's an honor to have my Wish Tag  added to this special tree.
Bridgette thanks for sharing your "Wishing Tree"
 and lovely blog with us :-}


  1. You're so sweet Mary! Thank you so much for such a lovely post about my little Wishing Tree! I'm grateful and blessed with so many things in my life I just love the idea of being able to share some of that good energy with others in this tiny way. Thank you for your inspiration and for believing...much love,peace and blessings, Bridgette

  2. I would want to add my friend Samantha to the tree that God would take away her pain.
    The tree is a wonderful idea I love it.Hugs Darcy

  3. Hi Mary Dear:
    What a lovely idea about her wishing tree!!!
    I went to her blog and left a comment too. I finally posted : )
    I am anxious to have my surgery : )
    I am going to call you in a few moments and hope I can catch youa t home.
    peace & love

  4. What a lovely idea. Thanks for sharing BellaLunaArts Wishing Tree with all of us.

    God bless.

  5. Oh, I love this idea. A "Culmination" of wishes and prayers, and of course "Friends". Nothing gets better than that. Thanks for sharing.

