Monday, January 18, 2010

~calling all Angels to help Haiti~

 We've seen the devastating photos of the
people of Haiti and how they are suffering.

 How our hearts go out to them.
 We all know what we must do
 by sending prayers and contributions.
 How hard it is for us to sit in our comfy homes and
watch these people suffer..
Seeing the faces of the children in pain
 unable to get the medical attention is awful!
 We have so much, they have nothing..
Give what you can and
 please pray!
 Calling on all  you Angels..


  1. I agree to do what can be done and to count our many blessings and pray for those in great need.Hugs Darcy

  2. The tears I cry over this. I only hope Jesus can comfort those who's lives have been broken apart in a second. I feel there can not be enough prayers or dollars to heal the wounds and devastation. We don't have much but prayers come free and there are lots of those going up. Thank you for honoring this cause with your post. Hugs to you. Tammy

  3. I so agree, and it is hard to watch all of this with tears and sadness, and know we can't be there to help--so I've been praying, and my husband and I sent a contribution to one of the relief organizations--very little bit helps. Thanks for your post bringing attention to the poor Haitians.

  4. Whoops, I meant, EVERY little bit helps . ..

  5. Hi! I absolutely agree. We must do everything we can. Such a tragedy for people who were already barely getting by.

    BTW, I left you a comment also on your post about your paper mache doll.

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  6. What is there to say execept .... AMEN!

  7. We just finished a Hotdog sale at the school today. We raised well over $1000.00 and the Church is having a collection this weekend.

    We need to help!!

    God bless.

  8. I know....
    It breaks my heart...
    so sad.

    Keeping them in prayer.

    Hope you are doing well!


  9. beautiful sentiments, i fully's devastating...and happening more often these days.

    on a happy side note, your site is beautiful...come see me....

  10. What a beautiful post thank you for sharing it. I received your sweet tag this weekend. Yours is my first one from someone who I've never actually met in person so excited!Thank you so very much for participating. :)Our rain has finally stopped and it will find it's way to a branch this week!Another branch will have a prayer tag for Haiti as well. Much love and thanks Bridgette

  11. I was using the rest room and paused to think wow I have a private toilet with paper and dignity

  12. Mary, it's such a horror to see all those people suffering, not to mention the orphaned children living in the streets. I think everyone is doing all they can to help.
    I am having a giveaway, so spread the word.
    I am really sick right now, but have to finish by Friday. I have an infection that the first round of antibiotics didn't work, so I started a second new one today. My red blood cell count is low and I am dehydrated. I can't even stand to look at a bottle of water right now. All I do is sleep, drink, and sleep some more. But I should know the results of the second tests on Friday, so if it doesn't change, he may put me in the hospital, but right now, the way I feel, I would welcome it. I just woke up after being asleep for 7 hours, but going back to bed. Just wanted to see how you were doing. Love and Hugs, Pat
