Fast Dying City
Canton, Ohio
(Canton-Massillon, Ohio, metropolitan statistical area) Migration (since 2000): -7,807 Total population change: +212 June 2008 Unemployment: 6.7% (2000 average: 4.2%) Annualized gross domestic product (GDP) growth: 0.7% More on Canton

I awoke to the above info on my AOL welcome this morning.
These are very hard times for my hometown of Massillon &
Canton, Ohio (my place of employment).
Sadly we are rated #1 in America for Fastest dying cities..
What a shame.
Just a few years ago I had a full time job and things were fine..
Today I'm lucky to have my part time job.
Things could be so much worse :-}
Thank you God for all I do have!
That is so sad to be named the "fastest dying city". I hope they can find a way to revitalize!
Have a great week Mary!
"fastest dying city", what a title to have to bare . I am so sorry, but I am afraid this is just the beginning. There are many cities falling into that category.
Have a blessed day Mary.
Hard times have hit a lot of cities. My friends lives in Austin and said people are selling their big cars and shopping more at Walmart. Austin is a very expensive place to live.Tyler is an old oil Town ,it is hurting all of us. Burl got a small car to go to work. I try to stay home unless I have several thing I need to do. Glad you still have your job. Love &Hugs Me:)
Hi Mary Dear:
I read the article in The Los Angeles Times newspaper and it affects you and my middle daughter as she lives in Cloeveland. Sad that the Heartland is having all of the people leave : (
I am in Santa Monica and still looking for a job. The part time one is not making it for a life for me : )
I check on you : )
Love & Hugs
Oh, this is sad indeed. Such a beautiful city. I think there are hard times everywhere. So many businesses here in TX are hurting also.
Love that banner!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
I am so sorry to hear that your hometown and area have that title on their backs. What a way to be known.
Hopefully there is some way to turn the tide.
God bless you Mary.
Hi Mary,thanks for stopping by to see me. I pray you are well. I saw this news on the AOL page as well. It's very sad and I don't expect to see things improve,as times are getting hard for everyone across our country. You are so right to thank the Lord for taking care of you. He will not forsake his own...
The children in my header are my brothers and my sister and I. I am the least on the end. My mother was forever standing us in staircase fashion and taking our picture. I also have a younger brother four years under me who wasn't born at the time the picture was taken.
Thank you for the comment about the picture.
I pray your sweet Isabella is feeling better.
Your very right, "things can always be worse"......and again "thank GOD for what I do have."
Those are both very positive approaches to a hard situation.
Are you city councilmen or women doing anything about this? Or can they rather?
Someone I hope someone can work on a "comeback" for your city.
I hate when these things happen to towns.
It's so sad.
Like your other friend Mary said about Austin....I too have good friends there that are trying leave and sell their home...and they can't move it for anything. It's a nice city but very pricey.
Everywhere has it's downfalls I guess.
I have to say though...thankfully the economy is doing pretty good so far here in Baton Rouge compared to the rest of the nation....houses are still selling.
But it's so HUMID all the time here and you never know about hurricanes. Ugh.
Today is horrible in fact.
We had a BAD storm in the night/early morning and our power was out for about 5 hours...blah!
I'm thinking of you!
Mary, that is so sad. When Lili and Rita hit us, it took down some beautiful old trees. Our city was know for the city of trees. But they have been renovating the Grand Opera House which is very old and thought to have ghosts. The young woman who is in charge was one of my daughter's classmates. I can't wait for the re-opening of such a beautiful place. I hope they find a way to help and restore that city. There are grants for such things, so that's a thought for you to throw at them. Love and Hugs, Pat
Hi Mary...I have been thinking of you. Oh, what sad news about your city. Thank goodness you still have your part time job. How is your precious Isabella doing, I have been thinking of her too, I am praying for her.
Thank you so much for stopping by to see me.
Much Love & Hugs,
Carol Anne
So sad to hear about towns like Canton. I hope that things pick up soon!!
You are brave to be thankful for what you do have sweet Mary - I know times have been tough recently and this news doesn't make it any better.
The entire country is in a sorry way, we have no great leaders any longer, the majority of politicians are useless.
All we blog pals can do is pray that times will change - and continue to find beauty and peace of mind in the simple things of life. Thank goodness we women are strong during times of adversity - the men often don't get it at all!
Sending love to you and your dear ones.
Hugs - Mary.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
It makes me so mad that the big companies are out-sourcing when we have an economy in need of jobs.
Yes, ' IS sad.
I, too, am thankful for everything that I have....
love, bj
Ewww....that's not good. I didn't realize that, Mary. Canton has much to offer. I love their art museum. I did Christkindl Markt there for years.
How's Isabella doing?? She's in my thoughts and prayers.
life can be so hard ..but I too
am glad for what I DO have..
Thinking of you today Sweet Friend,
I am making a Pumpkin Roll for my mother-in-law to take on her trip to see some friends.(she will put it in the cooler with ice)
Have Aspen Wed.& Thurs.
Love Ya, Me:)
Hello, I am so sad to see our country is such a state. I am working to homestead the estate here just to try to have better means to supply my family with. I am so glad your employment is holding
That would be a shock. How many times though that authorities have it wrong and you wonder if them even saying it could have a bad effect. Hope not!
That would be a shock. How many times though that authorities have it wrong and you wonder if them even saying it could have a bad effect. Hope not!
Hi Mary ~ just checking on you. Miss it when you don't post. Hope all is well with you. Let me hear....
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
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