Friday, August 29, 2008

~Fall Banner give-a-way winner!~

Congratulations Debbie from the blog Paper Roses.
You are my Fall banner "give-a-way" winner!
Hope you enjoy your banner.
Thanks everyone for leaving me a such nice comments.
I will do this again soon.
Please let me know what banner you would like me to design next.
Hugs & love~Mary~ :-}

Friday, August 22, 2008

~Banner Give-A-Way!~

Hello! It's time for another of my
Banner Give~A~Ways!
If you'd like to enter to win the above banner
(with your Blog name)
just leave me a comment on this post.
On Fri. Aug. 29 I will draw the winning name.
Will you please pass this along
by adding the above banner & post to your blog!
...Thanks so much...
Good luck! ~Mary~ :-}

Thursday, August 21, 2008

~Off to visit friends in Florida :-}~

I'm getting ready to visit my friends in Florida. Here's a photo of them.
The visit has been in the making months now, thanks to my Daughters.
Yippee, we can hardly wait!!!!
The day is close at hand and we'll soon be on our way.
Sorry for not posting much lately.
I'm doing GREAT.
I've just been so very busy working, trying to earn money for the trip.
Hugs & blessing a very HAPPY Mary :-}

Monday, August 11, 2008

~America's Fastest Dying Cities~

Fast Dying City
Canton, Ohio (Canton-Massillon, Ohio, metropolitan statistical area) Migration (since 2000): -7,807 Total population change: +212 June 2008 Unemployment: 6.7% (2000 average: 4.2%) Annualized gross domestic product (GDP) growth: 0.7% More on Canton
I awoke to the above info on my AOL welcome this morning.
These are very hard times for my hometown of Massillon &
Canton, Ohio (my place of employment).
Sadly we are rated #1 in America for Fastest dying cities..
What a shame.
Just a few years ago I had a full time job and things were fine..
Today I'm lucky to have my part time job.
Things could be so much worse :-}
Thank you God for all I do have!

Monday, August 4, 2008

~Birthdays *Please*~

I'm updating my
Blogs & Birthdays :-}
When you have a second could you please check
my sideboard to see if I have your birthday.
If not will you please give it to me.
Thanks so much!
Hope you are all having a wonderful Summer..
Hugs & blessings ~Mary~

Sunday, August 3, 2008

~Blog award from Carol Anne~

I'm very honored to receive the above blog award from
one of my most precious friends Carol of the beautiful blog CarolAnnesBoutique.
This Gal is truly such a sweetheart and has touched my heart in so many ways!
Bless you darling Carol for being my friend!!!
Please stop by Carol's blog, you will LOVE it!