She's a Wife, Mother, and a Midwife student.
Wow how impressive is that!
Stop on by her blog and say hello..
She's also a banner customer of mine. Thanks Jackie!
Above is the most recent banner I've designed for her.
This is my last post for a week or so..
I'll soon be off to Disney :-} Yippee!!
Hi Mary! Wow, what a lovely banner you made for your friend. I'll visit her soon to say hi!
Your new Halloween Girl banner is just absolutely adorable!! Full of fun & no scariness! I love it!
Prayers are being said for a safe & wonderful trip for you & all your family! Make lots of fun memories!!
Love you,
Angelic Accents
Mary, have a great time. I love Disneyland since my son lives near there and Universal Studios. But just relax and have a good time.
I know I've already said it but thanks again for the beautiful banner. As usual everything you create is stunning. Have a wonderful trip...it'll will be fab! xx
Hello Sweet Friend, Hope you have a wonderful time!!!I will be praying for good weather,a safe fun time and a safe trip home...
Hugs and Love ya,Me:)
Hi Mary!
You're one of my blog give-away winners! Congratulations!
What a lovely banner, it is so pretty and pink.
Happy Pink Saturday
Bon Voyage, my friend! Have a safe and wonderful trip and come home renewed and refreshed.
Happy Holidays to you Mary! Rachaelxo
Oh Mary dear..I just met Valentine Heart today..Jackie seems most awesome..
many smiles to you my friend..
love ya
Thank you so much for all of your prayers and your love notes to me and my family....I am slowly eking my way back to some of my favorite things like staying connected to all of my wonderful friends here in the blogging world. God bless you for being so faithful.xoxoxoxo
Mary, what a beautiful banner. You do such lovely work. Off to visit Jackie. Boy does it seem weird to type my name.
God bless.
I LOVE her banner. Well of course I do.....I love all the banners you do.
I thought you all had already left there and was in Disney, here I thought you all were getting rained on! HA! I'm so behind.
I've lost track of time so I don't even know what day it is today....ugh.
Thanks so much for your care and concern and checking on us after the hurricane. We are getting through this. Many are struggling though.....it's sad.
HAVE FUN my friend....you deserve it.
I'll talk to you when you get back.
Love and blessings,
I hope you have such a great time. You deserve it.
(That banner is lovely)
Hi Mary,
I've never commented on your blog but I absolutely love it ~ it's simply beautiful! Besides your own blog I have discovered so many other gorgeously designed sites from using your favorite blogs list; many that you've shared your fabulous talents with, as well. Of course I love the content of all these blogs, too! I share many of the same interests.
I was hoping that you might be so generous as to tell me what program(s) you use to create your wonderful pieces (especially the banners!). I have 2 of my own blogs and I would love to learn all about this art medium.
You're probably still at Disneyland, hopefully having a wonderful time ~ so I won't expect to hear from you right away. Would you mind emailing me whether or not you're willing to share the name(s) of the program(s)? I would truly so appreciate it.
I look forward to experiencing many more of your blogs and the sites of all your friends, as well! I feel like I've discovered a real treasure chest of goodies in all of you!
Thank you so much and God Bless,
Dannah McCrea-Miller
danabanana16@comcast.net or my blog email.
I left you a little something on my blog...come see. (When you return of course.)
Oh my gosh, that banner!!! I will be by on Friday (payday) to order about three banners to rotate through the month of October for one of my very favorite holidays - Halloween. Be thinking vintage postcards, just one image per banner.
Mary I hope you are having a great time in Disney.
Just thought that I would stop in and let you know I had to make a new blog as Blogger locked me out of my old one. Please update your link when you get time.
God bless.
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